It Is Fleeting

Inertia can be a powerful thing. As we learned in school, objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Life has its parallels to inertia. Once we get busy or lost in the routine of day to day, we tend to keep on moving with the same ‘ol, same ‘ol.

Until something makes it all stop.

The Tampa Bay community lost a remarkable and talented person last Friday. Susie Steiner was CEO of ExecuTran Services Inc., as well as co-founder of StartUp Weekend Tampa Bay. Not only was she an influential and dynamic business leader, she was also a warm, fun loving woman who had the ability to light up a room. I had the pleasure of working with Susie in the past, but more importantly, I have the honor of being able to have called her a friend.

As with most things in life, however, the opportunities for us to interact became fewer and fewer as time passed by.

The news of her passing was like a ton of bricks. Instantly, shockingly, and inexplicably she was gone. That next time for us to get together will never be. The reality that I won’t see her again still hasn’t set in. The surreal feeling about her no longer being with us is like a fog in my brain.

Susie loved enjoying life. Be it her business, her entrepreneurial endeavors, or game night at her house, there was a vivacious spirit about everything she did. She was electrifying and beautiful both inside and out. Interacting with her on Twitter and Facebook always brought a smile to my face, and I will forever cherish the fun memories we shared on Rock Boat XI. Susie’s work and determination will always be an inspiration to me. Her spirit will live on in the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who had the pleasure of knowing her. Her passing is saddening, but there’s no doubt her life will be celebrated and remembered for years to come.

Still, I can’t help but wish there was one more opportunity to hang out with Susie. One more evening of telling stories, sharing laughs, and just watching her enjoy life to the fullest. How I wish this past weekend was not a reminder of how fleeting life can be, and how we all must make the time to create the moments that really matter.

As we remember Susie and say goodbye to radiant person she was, I can’t help but think of the lyrics from a Billy Joel song. “So many faces in and out of my life, some will last, some will just be now and then. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes, I’m afraid it’s time for goodbye again.”


Image via FB/KimRandall
Image via FB/KimRandall


Rest in Peace, Susie. May your beauty remain forever emblazoned in our memories, and your brilliance shine forever in our hearts.

19 thoughts on “It Is Fleeting

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your friend Susie, Gil. Your love and admiration for her spilled out all over the page. No doubt she would have been touched. My heart goes out to you in your loss. I will lift you up to Papa God for only the comfort He can give.

    1. Thanks so much, Deb. She was definitely someone to admire, and thank you for your prayers. I hope the Holy Spirit brings her family the comfort they need in this time of grief.

  2. Your lovely tribute was a good reminder for each of us, to cherish our todays, for we are not promised our tomorrows. The love for your friend is evident in the shared memories you described and I can imagine you are not alone in this grief. May you and all who were in her life be comforted with God’s peace. Praying now.

  3. What a beautiful tribute to your friend. I’m inspired by her and the lasting imprint she left on all who knew her, and saddened I didn’t get a chance to meet her. After losing my sister 2 years ago and my father just recently I am reminded of how precious the time we spend with our family and friends is and how important it is to stop to enjoy the moment. I made it my mission to #MakeSomedayHappen and do all the things I said to my sister “I want to do that someday” as that someday never came. We sadly let life get in the way of living and it is tragedies like this that remind us to stop and live the moment we are in today for tomorrow is not a guarantee. Thank you for sharing this and for the reminder. My prayers are with you and all who knew her as well as for all who have lost someone special.

    1. A belated thank you to you, Christina, for the feedback and the kind words. You said it best, it is tragedies like this that remind us to live in the moment, and I would like to think Susie would be happy knowing we can find beauty – remembering to live in the now – from such sadness.

  4. Ive left this tab open on my computer now for 2 weeks, was worried I guess that once I responded to this lovely thought that it would be over. Truth is, Im not ready to let my pal go, yet I have to end this sadness. Your message above is a wonderful tribute. often at funerals,, Im the guy that speaks,, you Gil,, you just said it all. So I peck away here at this keyboard, my eyes filling up again, and I know I have to say something. It will be “so long Susie, Luv You”,,, right now, I cant bring myself to say goodbye. Thanks Gil,, well done.

    1. Thanks for the kind and emotional words, Eric. It’s always heartbreaking having to let go, and as cliche as it is, with times things will get better. The good news is we can all move forward and keep Susie’s joy for life alive with us, both in how we remember her and in how we treat each other. She was truly special, and we should all share that special with everyone with whom we interact.

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