Project Gratitude – Prime Time

Project Gratitude – Prime Time

Today I am thankful for video streaming services. Although I will admit Netflix is the most popular service in my household – primarily because of the original programming and all their Marvel related TV shows – from time to time Lee and I will jump over to Amazon to see what they’ve got to offer.

We love, love, love our Amazon Prime membership. We use it not only to order gifts, etc., but also for lots of everyday, household items. The free, 2-day shipping more than pays for the annual cost of the service, and since we have an Amazon fulfillment center just outside of Tampa, there are certain items we can have delivered the same day. Still, we often forget Amazon Prime Video is included as part of the membership.


Normally we’ll look for new releases of movies we missed in the theater. This time, however, we went off the board and picked something different.

And when I say different, I mean really different.

The movie was The Lobster starring Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz. It’s about … how can I explain it?

I’ll just copy the synopsis from the IMDB page.

In a dystopian near future, single people, according to the laws of The City, are taken to The Hotel, where they are obliged to find a romantic partner in forty-five days or are transformed into beasts and sent off into The Woods.

Let’s just say writer-director Yorgos Lanthimos was toking on some pretty awesome weed when he put together this screenplay. There really is no other way to explain it.


Although it was utterly bizarre, Lee and I shared some really good laughs, and at the end of the day, that’s what’s most important. Today I am thankful for these happy, little accidents that I get to experience with my wife. I know they’re a huge part of what makes us us.

199/365 Batman Bonanza

With the release of The Dark Knight Rises on Friday night, I decided to take this week – the week before my kids are gone for 10 days with their mom on a summer vacation trip to North Carolina – to introduce my children to Christopher Nolan’s magnificent interpretation of the legendary DC Comics hero.

When Batman Begins was first released in 2005, my kids were still a little too young to experience the dark portrayal of the iconic figure, not to mention how Gotham and the villainous character of the Scarecrow were represented on the silver screen.

Now that they’re older, it’s time to queue up the Amazon Prime streaming and make some popcorn. So with giddy anticipation, let Batman Week Begin!